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Monday, August 01, 2005

Jesus and the Porn Star

No, it's not a ploy to get traffic.

Just read it.

Let me know if you do. It may be worth more than all I've written in the last nine months.


  • I don't think I seen a better description of everything that is right about Christianity and everything that is wrong.

    I wonder, what is the correlation between people who are "Christ-like" and people who are Christian? I don't think this women's experiences are unique in that matter.

    By Blogger Xactiphyn, at 8/08/2005 07:31:00 PM  

  • As I reflect on the story, a point that is overlooked is that the young lady who became a Christian ended her relationship with Marie before her conversion. It was not her Christianity that stopped her "Christ-like" living. However, the cultrual trappings that we attach to the church in America did keep her from reestablishing that love-centered relationship, which is one of the tragic parts of the tragic story.

    Thanks for taking the time to read it, both of you. I fear that those who most need to read it are scared off by the "porn star" in the title. We forget that Jesus's followers consisted of lots of paupers, simpletons, rogues, whores and drunks. They consisted and consist of who we are, not who we pretend to be.

    By Blogger Hammertime, at 8/09/2005 11:19:00 AM  

  • That's a good point about when the relationship was broken. It's also important to realize how much the conversion helped the women herself.

    By Blogger Xactiphyn, at 8/11/2005 06:02:00 PM  

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