I don't think either of them need me to defend them, honestly. What is sad is that we, as a nation, have still not learned, despite Jayson Blair, Dan Rather and Bill Burkett, that the media will report what they want us to hear, not what is true.
Dobson doesn't think Sponge Bob is gay. Neither do I. Look, gays can use me as their icon, it doesn't mean I am gay, ya know? By the way, Korean males hold hands, too. That took some getting used to.
Dobson also doesn't have a beef with Sponge Bob, Twinky-Winky, Dora the Explorer, Barney, Big Bird, etc.
Dobson doesn't have a problem with tolerance and diversity, as long as they mean what they mean, not 'calling the abnormal, normal'.
This story has received more coverage than any other thing that Focus on the Family has done in 30 years. Think about why that is, and you'll get it that the story is ridiculously slanted.
So what is Dobson's issue? That the organization, the We Are Family Foundation, is explicitly an organization that promotes the homosexual agenda. The plan was to distribute 61,000 videos with an accompanying teacher guide that clearly stated that the teacher was to bring up sexual orientation and why it should not be considered immoral or abnormal.
Here's what the media won't point out:
The curriculum booklet that will accompany the "We Are Family" DVD when it is sent to schools in March, for instance, is likely to contain resources for educators seeking to normalize homosexuality. Although that guide has not yet been made public, a 2003 manual, also associated with the "We Are Family" cartoon-character video, offered several exercises for educators that equate homosexuality with immutable characteristics, such as race or gender, and suggest it deserves limitless tolerance and acceptance.
Another previous curriculum posted on the We Are Family Foundation Web site, called "Writing for Change," includes exercises such as:
• Generating a Description - encourages students to discuss the definition of "lesbian."
• Talking About Being "Out" - offers worksheet questions and a discussion of "perceptions of sexual orientation."
• Uncovering Attitudes About Sexual Orientation - explores the impact of "homophobia" and "heterosexism."
• Developing definitions - presents a list of stereotypical definitions, including "compulsory heterosexuality." That is described "the assumption that women are naturally or innately drawn sexually and emotionally toward men, and men toward women; the view that heterosexuality is the "norm" for all sexual relationships."
"The institutionalization of heterosexuality in all aspects of society includes the idealization of heterosexual orientation, romance, and marriage," the guide states. "Compulsory heterosexuality leads to the notion of women as inherently 'weak,' and the institutionalized inequality of power: power of men to control women's sexuality, labor, childbirth and childrearing, physical movement, safety, creativity, and access to knowledge. It can also include legal and social discrimination against homosexuals and the invisibility or intolerance of lesbian and gay existence."
Tom Minnery, vice president of government and public policy at Focus on the Family, said reporters who have mocked Dobson for his comments have deliberately ignored these details in their quest to marginalize a pro-family leader.
"The media is trying to use this SpongeBob nonsense as a smokescreen, because they're not willing to tell the people what's really at stake," he explained. "What's at stake is the forced normalization of homosexuality in the public schools."
Don't we get it? No matter what we think of Dobson, to
believe what the mainstream press has to say about any conservative leader is to look with blinders on.